Exempting shelters makes perfect sense Not every piece of legislation introduced in the Maryland General Assembly makes sense. Wait, let’s amend that. Now and then, out of the torrent of filings introduced in the legislature each year there emerges one that makes perfect sense. One such measure this year is House Bill 1414 sponsored by… Read more »
03/13/2025 Bayside Editorial: Ortt did great work, so will Touch of Italy
Ortt did great work, so will Touch of Italy What a difference eight years make. Plagued by rotating management, declining patronage, big plans and grand failures, the Ocean Pines Yacht Club and Beach Club had pretty much bottomed out in Fiscal Year 2018, missing their budget by somewhere around a million dollars. Revenue projections were… Read more »
03/06/2025 Bayside Editorial: Tariffs hit newsprint, we won’t pass it on
The 25 percent tariffs President Trump imposed yesterday on imported goods from Canada and Mexico have hit home. Next week, our newspapers, Bayside Gazette and OC Today-Dispatch, will begin to feel the pinch of the tariff on the Canadian newsprint our printer uses for all our products. In addition to our main publications, this will… Read more »
02/27/2025 Bayside Editorial: Guilty plea first step in closing sad chapter
Guilty plea first step in closing sad chapter A heartbreaking chapter that left friends, families and members of the public saddened and outraged over the exceedingly slow grind of justice ended Tuesday when Tyler Mailloux, 24, of Berlin pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of the July 11, 2022, accident that claimed the life of… Read more »
02/20/2025 Bayside Editorial: Schools could benefit by looking internally
Schools could benefit by looking internally As education experts and advisors to the Worcester County Board of Education encourage board members to allow for some overlap when they select the replacement for departing Superintendent Lou Taylor in June, the best way to ensure that happens is to promote from within. Taylor, who announced in January… Read more »
02/13/2025 Bayside Editorial: In defense of one fee for racquet members
In defense of one fee for racquet members There’s nothing like a change in the structure of fees to rile the crowd that’s paying them. Almost any increase is too much whether it’s for a Netflix subscription, the cost of admission to national parks or, in Ocean Pines, a Racquet Club membership. It came as… Read more »
Letter To The Editor: Police need tools to do their jobs
Police need tools to do their jobs Editor, An ill-conceived bill making its way through the Maryland General Assembly will further restrict law enforcement officials throughout the state from doing their jobs in order to advance progressive objectives aimed at condemning police officers as a societal threat. Senate Bill 292 sponsored by Senator Charles Sydnor… Read more »
02/06/2025 Bayside Editorial: Schools, or sheriff? They’re both right
In the absence of data on the illegal immigrant population, if any, in Worcester County, the public might wonder whether public school Superintendent Lou Taylor or county Sheriff Matt Crisafulli was right to assure parents of their children’s safety considering the federal government’s aggressive deportation program. On one hand, Taylor reassured parents that protocols are… Read more »
01/30/2025 Bayside Editorial: Board right to explore cell tower possibilities
The cell phone tower argument continues in Ocean Pines, where the years-long disagreement pits objections to a tower’s sore-thumb appearance against its function as a vital component of a stable and dependable means of communication. So far, concerns about esthetics have carried the day, as tower opponents contend that such a structure would pierce the… Read more »
01/23/2025 Bayside Editorial: Wind: cloudy picture
Wind: cloudy picture When President Trump’s executive orders came out yesterday, Ocean City and Worcester County officials, as well as parties on both sides of the offshore wind energy argument, asked, “What does this mean?” That’s about all anyone would conclude judging from the official responses from Ocean City and Worcester County governments on how… Read more »