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Elections Committee preps for first OP candidate forum

•OPA Board candidates

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The Ocean Pines Elections Committee is dotting every i and crossing every t in the lead-up to the first candidate forum for the six board of directors hopefuls on June 22. The candidates are Paula Gray, Stephen Jacobs, Stuart Lakernick, Monica Rakowski, Amy Peck and Josette Wheatley. On Friday, the… Read more »

It’s tub time on Main Street


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The bathtubs are back for the 32nd year. Tomorrow night, in front of fans and television cameras, at least a dozen teams will line up on Main Street and strap into self-built, wheeled vessels that likely are not NHTSA-certified. Then, as Capt. Jimmy Wilder said in the 1996 box-office hit… Read more »

Short-term rental, long-term implementation

Tyndall Headshot

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer Talk is circulating in Berlin that the short-term rental ordinance could be delayed until 2023. The town set the impldmentation date for July 1 after the town council narrowly passed the ordinance, which allows short-term rentals in residential units in all residential districts (R-1-4) and where they are allowed on… Read more »

Terrapin count underway in coastal bays

•Terrapins 2

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The humidity was low, the temperature hovered around 70 degrees, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the mosquitos and flies were inexplicably — miraculously — absent in West Ocean City’s Marsh Harbor on Monday morning. The conditions were good for some good old-fashioned turtle counting. Every June, the… Read more »

Ethics looks at candidate finances

4 Mary Bohlen

By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer The Berlin Ethics Commission reviewed the first batch of financial disclosures from candidates and incumbents running for Berlin Mayor and Town Council and sent back most of them. It’s not a shocking move, said Town Administrator Mary Bohlen. “It’s not the easiest form,” she said. “It’s unsurprising that there were… Read more »

WWII vet takes in 96th birthday on Boardwalk in OC


By Jack Chavez, Staff Writer It’s hard to surprise Morris Semiatin on his birthday these days. The 96-year-old celebrated another one on June 1, this one with family, friends and well-wishers singing him happy birthday in front of the Ocean City Firefighters Memorial on the Boardwalk. Last year, a motorcade parade featuring local first responders… Read more »

Law says patrons, not bars, liable for actions

The question of whether a bar or restaurant can be held liable for the behavior of its patrons is especially interesting in Maryland, one of eight states that does not have what are known as “dram shop” laws. Dram shop laws pertain to an establishment’s liability  when providing bar service to an obviously intoxicated person… Read more »

Grilled rib cap with sauteed mushrooms

2 cuisine

By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3 I pride myself on my lovely back yard. It is an insane amount of work, and this year as I will be doing all of it, it is even more overwhelming. But, it is worth it when I get to relax in the swinging chairs. Granted, the bugs also… Read more »

Worcester Prep holds 50th annual graduation ceremony


By Greg Wehner Worcester Preparatory held its 50th annual graduation on Friday morning, honoring the 46 students and their accomplishments at the private Berlin school. The air that morning was filled with drizzle as the sound of a solo bagpiper led the students, faculty and honorees to the commencement. For some, it may have been… Read more »